What are affirmations, and how do they work?

The definition of affirmation: the action or process of affirming something.

Affirmations are positive words, sentences and/or paragraphs that are used to define and manifest a specific goal or desire. Such as the one in the image below:


A Sunset on a Texas Farm
Sounds easy right!? Well, that’s because it is easy. This is the simplest form of informing the Universe of what you want, need and desire. While speaking an affirmation is simple; much more is taking place with this process. In this blog I will briefly mention the basics of what is taking place when we use affirmations.

Using semantics to create change. How do
affirmations work on a physical, mental and emotional level?

  • The words spoken create a change in our conscious mind, as well as our subconscious mind
  • We become motivated to start living the affirmation
  • Repeating these phrases/sentences/words allow us to believe in them
  • Our thoughts become based on positive foundations vs negative
  • Our ego begins to take on a new, more loving and positive personality

Using our words to shift Life Force Energy.How do
affirmations work on an energetic (metaphysical/spiritual) level?

  • Everything is made up of energy, therefore all things are effected by our words and thoughts
  • We raise our vibration to a level that matches what we want, need and desire
  • Healing occurs
  • Our body, mind, heart and spirit begin to clear  blockages that kept us from receiving
  • We get closer to becoming our authentic self
  • We help to raise the vibration of the planet, our family and friends

I understand this blog is brief; if you would like more information on any of the above please do not hesitate to leave me a comment.

To learn about the forms of in person and long distance healing services I provide please visit my website  Spirit Rejuvenation